Thursday, May 5, 2011

Book Review by Farah Katreeb

Leo the magnificat

By Farah Katrib

This book was easy for me, I liked it because it's a true story. It's about a cat that Mrs. Moody found outside the church. Mrs. Moody tried to find out for whom it belonged to. She took him to the vet, the vet told her tit was a boy. The girls called him Leo. Leo stayed every meal. He was friends with everybody. The children gave him toys, brought him a basket to sleep in but his favorite bed was the sheep costume for the Christmas pageant. He even made Mr. Tate sit next to Miss Hadley not for long. Mr. Tate and Miss Hadley got married. Leo lived there for twelve years! He got old. The vet gave him an injection so he would die peacefully. Everybody came to his funeral. Leo wasn't for anybody but he was for everybody.


Anonymous said...

We are proud, as a class, to have Farah Katrib be the first to puiblish her book review. Stay tuned because lots of other students will be following in her footsteps soon.

Miss Nanou said...

You are absolutely right Miss. Ann and i totally agree with you and I would like to add:
"Keep up the good job, ladies and gentelmen!! We are so proud of you!"

Maria said...

Im also happy that you were the first