Friday, May 20, 2011

Book Review by Leila Balaa

The Minpins
This story is about a kid called Billy, whose mother always tells him what he is supposed to do. All the things he was allowed to do were boring, while all the things he was not allowed to do were exciting. He was definitely not allowed to go alone through the garden gate and explore the world. However, one day Billy decided he was tired of being good all the time, and went alone into the big forest. This is how his adventure started in this world of dragons and minpins without his mother knowing anything about it!


Anonymous said...

As you might already know, Roald Dahl is one of my favorite authors. This story is really exciting and takes the reader into a world full of imagination and creativity.

Unknown said...

Leila, your review makes me want to read the book!

AnneB said...

Thank you for adding your comment, language instructor!

Maria said...

I remember when we red this in Grade.3